Saturday, October 8, 2011

Diet Dr. Pepper

I have decided to give up my Diet Dr. Pepper's.  Typically I get a 32 oz refill every day of it, so this is going to be a big change for me!  I know that diet is better than a regular one, but it still really doesn't fit with the lifestyle that I'm working on creating.  The way that I've been eating isn't just counting calories.  I've also been trying to eat as naturally as possible.  Staying away from artificial flavors, preservatives and overly processed foods.  I always pay attention to the ingredient lists on foods and check to make sure that I know what every ingredient is.  If there is something listed that I can't even try to pronounce then I'm not eating it.  Yet, every single day I am drinking Diet Dr. Pepper that is filled with artificial ingredients, including artificial sweeteners.  So, time to give it up.  REALLY not looking forward to the withdrawal headache!!! 

I've also heard that giving up carbonation is supposed to be really healthy, including helping with breathing and stuff.  No idea if that's true or not, but I guess that we'll see if this change makes a difference!

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