Thursday, October 20, 2011

c25k Wk 4 Day 3 (2nd Attempt)

Today was my second attempt at W4D3.  I did it outside again, because I know that I can complete it on the treadmill.  I'm not as discouraged as I was yesterday.  I still didn't do at all well, but it was better.  It was encouraging to hear others on the c25k FB page say that they also struggled when first transitioning to outside.  Also, after a friends advice, I made little challenges for myself throughout the workout.  Every time that I felt like I needed to start walking, I'd look ahead, pick a spot, and make myself keep jogging until I reached that.  It helped with my own confidence to be able to accomplish those little goals.  I still walked more than I jogged, but I jogged more than yesterday.

I also am still trying to focus on my breathing.  That's still a struggle for me!

Looking forward to improving each time.  I know that soon I'll be back to the level I was at on the treadmill.

1 comment:

  1. How funny, I started Couch to 5k outside, and now at Week 9 Day 1 I am transitioning to the treadmill and it's SO HARD. I feel like I'm going crazy fast when I'm not and I get so hot.

    As for breathing. a good trick I found that has worked for me since the beginning is to scrunch up my face a bit while I breathe in through my nose and then exhale through my mouth. The physical scrunching helps me to remember proper breathing so I don't get winded, and truly, this last week, my legs get tired before I am out of breath, lol.
