Wednesday, October 19, 2011

c25k Wk 4 Day 3

Well, I will DEFINITELY be repeating this day!  I decided that I wanted to start working out outside.  I figured that if I ever want to do a 5k, then I need to be able to run outside!  Things didn't go well at all.  I majorly struggled, felt like I was back to week #1 rather then finishing up week #4.  I had to keep walking during my jogs.  I didn't complete any of the 4 jogs.

For about an hour, I started feeling like I might need to start over.  I was so frustrated!  But a friend talked me down a bit.  Instead of starting over I will just keep repeating this particular day until I can complete it.  And I WILL complete it, no matter how many times I have to repeat the day.

Keeping my fingers crossed that the next workout goes better!

Current Weight Loss: 17 lbs

1 comment:

  1. Great mental recovery since most of the game is MENTAL!

    Don't overthink it too much. Keep at the same level til you get it and then move forward!

    So proud of you!!

