Today's Stats -
Swim - 30 laps (1500 Meters)
Bike -
Run -
Time - 1:00
Total Stats -
Swim - 30 laps (1500 Meters)
Bike - 48.18 Miles
Run - 10.55 Miles
Time - 07:30
I had to really slow down with my workouts today. I have found that the first 4 days took a LOT more out of me than I ever thought this would. I feel like I have zero energy. My family is even seeing it. My mom keeps telling me that she doesn't remember the last time she saw me with so little energy. I'm not sure if that's just because of stepping up the exercising. Or am I not eating enough calories for how many I am burning? Not too sure. I up'd my calories a little bit, still well below what a maintaining calorie count would be. Plus I decided to back off on the workouts a bit for a couple of days. Let's hope that my energy bounces back so that I can finish this! I am determined to not quit!!!
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