Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ironman Day #11

Today's Stats -

Swim - 23 Laps (1,150 Meters)
Bike -
Run - 5.64 Miles
Time - 2:15

Total Stats -

Swim - 78 laps (3900 Meters) - Finished!
Bike - 82.92 Miles
Run - 26.2 Miles - Finished!
Time - 16:25

I FEEL GREAT!!!  First off, I started my workout with my C25K Wk 7 Day 2.  For those not familiar with the program, this day's workout is 5 minutes warm-up, 25 minutes jog, 5 minutes cool down.  The same as the previous 2 workouts.  So I knew that I shouldn't have any problem with that.  But I planned on actually being on the treadmill for an hour, try to get a good portion of my remaining distance done.  About 10 minutes into my jog, I decided to really push myself.  Instead of only jogging for 25 minutes, I'd see just how long I could keep it up.  I mean, I was going to be on the treadmill for an hour anyways.  Plus, even though I jog pretty slowly, it's still faster than I walk.  That meant more distance gone.  I just let myself get lost in my audiobook, and didn't pay attention to the time going by.  At the 50 minute mark, I thought I'd better slow down to a walk!!!  I doubled my previous best jog time!  I was sort of in shock!  In fact, I think that I might still be a little bit.  It felt so great!  Now, I know without a doubt that I am going to easily finish the last two weeks of the program.  I mean, the longest jog time called for is 30 minutes, and I easily surpassed that.  Also, I certainly won't be letting the mental battle win now.  If I can jog for 50 minutes, I sure as heck can go 30!  This program is crazy impressive!  I did my very first day of it 53 days ago.  And on that day, I wanted to cry trying to jog for 1 minute.  I was gasping for breath and thought that I was going to die.  Now, less than 2 months later, I just jogged for 50 minutes!  And my breathing was great!!!  No issues at all.  Can you tell that I'm a little bit excited?

Anyways, back to my Ironman stats, after the 50 minute jog, I decided that I wanted to walk for 15 minutes, rather than just the 5 minute cool down.  Just before I was going to slow down and really start my cool down, I started doing the math.  I was less than a mile from finishing!  No way that I was stopping now!  I ended up spending a total of 1:35 on the treadmill, and finished my entire 26.2 miles!  Done with the running miles!!!

That workout was in the morning, then later in the evening I headed back to the gym to finish up my swim.  I only need another 23 laps.  I am not a strong swimmer.  I've actually done all of the laps for this challenge swimming backstroke.  It's about the only thing that I'm comfortable with.  But I got my laps done.  Now, I'm completely done with my swimming as well.

That leaves me just about 29 Miles left on the bike, and 3 days left to complete it!  Looking forward to being able to say that I completed this challenge.  I had real doubts that I'd be able to do it.  Glad that I proved myself wrong!

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