Today's Stats -
Swim -
Bike - 13.73 Miles
Run - 4.98 Miles
Time - 02:25
Total Stats -
Swim -
Bike - 34.29 Miles
Run - 7.08 Miles
Time - 04:30
Today's workout was a bit of a challenge for me. Typically when I workout on the treadmill, I'm just doing my couch-2-5k plan, which is about 30 minutes. Today, I did Wk 6 Day 2 of the plan for the first 33 minutes, and then continued to work out on the treadmill for the remainder of the hour. I did add a couple of additional short jogs in the remainder of the time (1 for 5 minutes, 1 for 10 minutes). The workout felt great! Although my legs weren't too happy with me at the end of it!
But I didn't stop there, I then decided to hit the bike for an hour as well. I've actually been surprised that I seem to be pretty consistent with my speed and miles on the bike. This Ironman is definitely a challenge for me, but I am also really enjoying it. I know that being able to finish it will feel like a great accomplishment.
BTW - Thanks to my dog, I got another short walk in. Thank goodness for iPhone apps that track how far you go. It might only be a mile, but I sure am counting it!
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