I DID IT! I DID IT! I DID IT!!! I think that I'm in shock right now!!! I NEVER thought that I'd be able to finish the 20 minute jog on my first attempt!!! I mean, less than a week ago I was struggling to finish a 5 minute jog! How in the world did I just go for 20 minutes, and actually feel like I could have gone longer?
I did use a couple of my tricks to help me get through it. I am a clock watcher, and I am usually kinda obsessive about counting down how much time I have left. But I knew that if I did that with this jog, I would mentally kill myself. After the 8 minute mark, I'd be sure to start sabotaging myself. So, I couldn't know how much time was gone. I use the iPhone app, so I turned my phone over so that I couldn't see it. The volume was also down so that I didn't get the voice telling me halfway there. Then I covered the time up on the treadmill. I needed to just jog and not worry about that time! Also, I grabbed the laptop, and put on a TV show that I've been wanting to watch, one that I knew would keep my attention. Then I just jogged! I finally gave in and checked the time, I only had 3 1/2 minutes left!!! And at that point, there was no way in the world I was stopping! If I could make it 17 minutes, I sure as heck could make it the full 20!
I'm still jogging pretty slow. I've read other people's posts about how fast they are going, and I'm just not there yet. But I just have to let myself be happy with my accomplishments, and after I finish the 9 weeks, then I'll work on increasing my speed. Oh, also, no real issues with breathing today!!! That was another breakthrough for me. I am so excited about this program and what I've been able to accomplish!
I'm so excited for you, Kelley! You are an inspiration. I should be so motivated. :(