Sunday, September 25, 2011

About Me

I am 29 years old.  I have struggled with my weight since not long after graduating high school.  I went from being very active in high school to a fairly sedentary life afterwards, and didn't change my eating habits.  Not a good combo!  I have tried many fad diets but nothing ever stuck long term.  I've watched my weight yo-yo up and down (more up than down) and now I would kill to be the weight I was when I first tried to lose it!  I've finally come to the realization for myself that fad diets aren't what I need.  I need to make some true life changes if I ever want to lose the weight and keep it off for good.  And this isn't just about being skinnier.  It's about being healthier and feeling better.

I'm a bit nervous blogging about something so personal.  Plus there is constantly that voice in the back of my head saying "What if I fail?"  But I am more determined now than I have ever been in my life to make this work.  I am sick and tired of being fat!  I am tired of looking in the mirror and not liking what I see.  I am terrified that if I don't lose the weight soon, I'll end up with many of the health challenges that overweight people have.  So far I've been lucky with that, but I don't want to keep pressing my luck.  I decided to blog about this for a few reasons.  It's easier to let yourself fail if nobody knows that you failed!  It's a lot harder when you are doing it basically in front of an audience.  In other words, if other people know that I am doing this, I'll be even more determined not to fail.  Also, I would love it if by sharing my own struggles and challenges, I might inspire someone else to get onto the road to health.  The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.  If you want to make a change, you need to do something different.  So, this is me doing something different!

I actually started trying to eat better about 2 weeks ago, and my weight loss to date is 7.5 lbs.  I would love any suggestions, encouragement, etc as I go on this journey.  Thanks!


  1. This is me being encouraging!!! It's funny but in the times that I have tried to lose weight (actually both Alann and I), we've noticed that our diet makes a LOT more impact than exercise. I know exercise is good for you and we wouldn't cut it out, but watching what you eat makes for a faster change. Good luck!

  2. Kelley Anne I got your blog off of caloriecountingrunnergirl and I love reading your posts. I went back to September to see what the c25k was and then saw you're about me. I am younger (almost 21), but I started gaining weight after high school too because I started eating whatever I wanted and would go in spurts of working out. Then I just completely stopped. It is nice to meet people with similar goals. I just started a little over a week ago to begin my healthy lifestyle.
