Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I have let life get in my way this last week.  I've only worked out once since last Thursday!  Not good!  Do I have excuses for why?  Of course.  Work has been busier than usual, plus there's been some extra stress at work as well.  Also, I've had some extra responsibilities at home, which has made it hard to find the time.  But honestly, those things are exactly that, EXCUSES!  Could I have found at least 30-60 minutes each day to get some exercise in?  Yep!  Time for the excuses to stop!  Especially because my work isn't going to get any less busy for a while.  It's actually going to keep getting crazier and crazier until at least January.  I HAVE to figure out ways to not let excuses get in my way.

I've stuck with my heatlhy eating plan.  I haven't had a single day that I haven't stayed within my calorie allowance.  But diet without exercise isn't going to get me far!  I haven't lost even 1/2 a lbs in the last week.  Do I think that's a coincedence?  Of course not!  One without the other just doesn't work out very well!

I think that one of the things I'm gong to do is go back to doing the c25k on the treadmill rather than outside.  I know that building up my endurance jogging outside is important, but the way that things are going, I'm not working out at all!  I work graveyards and come home at a time of the morning when I'd have no problem with jumping on the treadmill for 30 minutes.  But, I wouldn't dare go running outside at that time of morning.  So, I think that's going to be one of my plans.  When work starts slowing down, then I can start jogging outside.  I'm probably not going to let myself stress out about trying to enter a 5k until after the new year anyways.  This way, at least I'm still getting my workout in!

So time for the excuses to stop!  If I need to make some adjustments to when or how I workout, that's fine.  But I have to make sure that I am still getting it in.


  1. You are such an inspiration! Keep up the good work! It's so easy to find excuses but it's just all in how you prioritize your time. You can do this!

  2. Steph - thanks so much! I really appreciate the encouragement. It means a lot to me!
