Thursday, September 29, 2011


I know that I shouldn't be letting myself get frustrated right now, but sometimes it doesn't matter what you tell yourself, you still feel that way!  I started really attempting to lose weight and change my life about 2 1/2 weeks ago.  I am counting calories as well as trying to completely stay away from processed foods and artificial ingredients.  Also, I am exercising quite a bit.  I understand and have looked at the whole math of calories in and calories out and needing to create a deficit in order to lose weight.  I get that!  I've been doing that! 

But here is where I am frustrated.  Right off the bat I lost a good amount of weight.  8 days ago I was down a total of 8.5 lbs.  No, that doesn't seem like a lot, but first off that was only in a week and a half that I had lost that.  Plus, I've maintained my weight for several years.  So losing that 8.5 lbs put me at the lowest I've been in 2-3 years.  I was thrilled!  Then, the very next day I was up two lbs.  Since then I've had 8 days of bouncing up and down within that same two lbs.  Half a pound here, a pound there, up and down, and up and down.  It's driving me crazy!!! 

I know that as long as I stick to the plan eventually I will start heading down again.  I have more than enough weight to lose that I know it will happen.  My body is certainly not happy at it's current weight.  I know that as long as I keep eating better foods and in better portions plus keep moving and exercising, the weight WILL come off.  It took me about 11 years to put this weight on, it's certainly not going to come off overnight.  Mentally I know all of this.  But unfortunately I can't convince my emotions that I shouldn't get frustrated. 

I've got to figure out a game plan to combat this frustration.  People say that if you only weigh in once a week that helps.  For me, I don't see that helping.  It drives me crazy to not know exactly where I am at every single day.  Maybe I'll have to try that though.  I don't know.  At least at this point I haven't let my frustrations cause me to overeat or give up.  But I need to do something because I don't want to get to that level of frustration.  Who knows, maybe just writing these thoughts and feelings down will even help.  Certainly can't hurt!

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