Sunday, September 25, 2011

c25k Wk 1 Day 1

I did it!  Just completed Week 1 Day 1 of the c25k program!  For those of you not familiar with it, the first week you warm up for 5 minutes, then jog for 1 minutes, walk for 90 seconds, and repeat the jog/walk combo for 20 minutes and then end it with another 5 minute cool down.  Sounds easy, right?  Nope!  I have to admit that two of the jog intervals I cut short by about 10 seconds, but I am still happy with what I did do!  Here were some of my thoughts during this 30 minutes:
  • Where are my sunglasses at?
  • This isn't too bad (or course it'll probably get harder when I finish my 5 minute warm up!)
  • Hmmmm.....maybe this isn't going to be as easy as I thought!
  • Endurance in kickboxing, Zumba and cycling does not equate to endurance while jogging!
  • People really think that this is fun?
  • I definitely won't consider it a failure if I have to repeat some of the weeks of this program!
  • Why did I forget my heart rate monitor watch!!!
  • Bekka was right!  The best reason for jogging outside is that you have to keep going if only so that you can get home!
  • Laying down on the ground on the side of the road probably wouldn't be a good idea.
  • Just how long can 60 seconds really be?
So tomorrow is a day off from the program and then back at it on Tuesday.  My goal that time is to not cut any of my jogs short.  I've put off getting started on this program for about 5 months, now that I've taken the first step I have to just keep at it. 

Current Weight Loss: 7.5 lbs

1 comment:

  1. Good shoes are vital! Running shoes are vital to running. If nothing else, think of how much money you spent on the shoes and then decide how much you have to run to make it worth spending the money. =) It does get easier, though you may not ever like it. I still pretty much hate it. And I've been doing it for 4 months.
