Thursday, April 26, 2012


So I'm going to take my friend M-Cat's advice. She recommended that every day I post what I did for my workout. That way even if she doesn't see me at the gym, she knows I'm keeping on track. So here goes!

Today I decided to test my back out with a little bit of jogging. I'm not sure if my back is up to it yet or not. I did Week 1, Day 1 of the Couch-2-5k program. Then I'll give it a couple of days to see if my back has problems or not.

It's been so many months since I jogged that I felt like I was back to where I started. I was able to finish the full jogs, but I was really struggling with my breathing.

Hopefully my back responds all right, and I can work back up my stamina. Otherwise, I'll have to wait another couple of months and for now focus on strengthening my back and core.

After the jog/walk, I spent a good amount of time doing some if the stretches my physical therapist taught me.

1 comment:

  1. Great start! Keep up your core work and your back will feel better too! Plank Plank Plank.... : )
